Parsenn-Produkte AG | Chlus 13 | 7240 Küblis

Born in the mountains, at home in the specialised trade

The Swiss skincare specialist Tal has enjoyed the trust of pharmacies and drugstores for over 40 years. A look behind the scenes of a brand that is loyal to specialist retailers and will remain so.

"If everyone thinks the same, no one thinks." This motto accompanies the Swiss skincare brand Tal, and with it Parsenn-Produke AG, day after day. For 45 years now, the family business from Küblis in the canton of Graubünden has been going its own way: not swimming with the tide, but building on its own strengths. Being innovative as an SME and still focussing on continuity.

The specialised trade contributes to continuity. Major retailers approached Parsenn-Produkte AG years ago to include the top product Tal in their range. This was and is not an option for Parsenn-Produkte AG. It continues to rely on pharmacies and drugstores, which guarantee expert advice. And this is what is needed. After all, the list of herbal ingredients is long and the application and effects of the products are varied. Edelweiss, grape seed oil, marigold, arnica and horsetail make the products even more of a Swiss achievement and are used for everything from cosmetic to medical purposes. Tal's foot bath, for example, is particularly suitable for use on skin problems such as eczema. Tal Med Hand Cream Exclusive, on the other hand, is proven effective in the aftercare of scars. Yesterday - today - and tomorrow. The story continues with and thanks to strong partners.

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