Parsenn-Produkte AG | Chlus 13 | 7240 Küblis

Wanderlust without wanderlust

In a world that is often characterised by a hectic pace and technology, hiking is becoming increasingly popular. People seek peace and quiet in nature, escape from everyday life and let their thoughts wander to the rhythm of their steps. The fascination of hiking lies not only in the physical activity, but also in the conscious experience of the surroundings. It is a journey to oneself, a trend that shows that true treasures are hidden in the simplicity of nature.

However, wanderlust brings with it the potential for frustration, which you could be confronted with sooner or later:

For aching, dry or stressed feet

The Tal MED foot care concept helps your skin to regenerate after a strenuous hike.

Tal MED foot bath salt

A relaxing bath with mineral-rich salt from the Dead Sea. The effect is enhanced by the purest olive oil, pine needle extract and menthol. The feet relax - and recover quickly after the hike.

Tal MED Foot Care Cream

After a hike, we recommend pampering your feet with Tal MED Foot Care Cream. It repairs, regenerates and cares for the skin. With eight per cent urea and a proven formula of plant substances that contain anti-inflammatory and antibacterial active ingredients.

TAL MED Foot Care Balm

When hiking, the skin can dry out, crack and calluses can form. The SOS care supports the skin with extracts from the finest natural ingredients such as marigold, arnica, olive oil, aloe vera and ten per cent urea.

Tal MED Foot Mask Repair

No peeling, no effort - but with a moisturising booster! The foot mask for soft and well-groomed feet. It contains our nourishing "power cocktail" of five per cent urea and active plant substances from marigold.

Convince yourself of our foot care concept, whose active ingredients help you to have supple feet - especially in summer.

Find out more at your local pharmacy or drugstore.

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